Nick Knowles left viewers lost for words last night, as he took a trip with Emily to get more water, wearing only his bright red speedo's. His attire made some fans of the show slightly uncomfortable as he strolled through the Jungle, but none more so than Emily whose face was almost the same colour as Nick's speedos.
Later in the day, Emily joined Harry and Rita by the pool where they discussed their careers and family. Rita revealed how people often equate her success in acting to her uncle Lord Sugar but explained in the Bush Telegraph that "You can't give someone a leg up if they're crap."
Emily and Harry shared stories of how their choice of career runs in the family, Harry who is also uncle to Frank Lampard spoke about his son Jamie Redknapp "There was never really any doubts from me that he would be a footballer, from the age of six." While Emily who comes from a "Showbiz family" revealed that Sir Paul McCartney is her Grandmother's cousin "I'm related to a bloody Beatle for Christ's sake."
Emily Atack who has not been known for being shy since her first day in the Jungle questioned Harry on his son's relationship status, excited to find out that Jamie is currently single.
Fans were amused as Harry arranged his son's next marriage when Emily expressed to him that she would be a "Really good Daughter-in-law," Harry responded with "You would be fantastic, there's no doubt about that."
It takes three
"The Wicked Warehouse" needed three Campmates to complete this Bushtucker Trial, and Nick, Harry, and Emily made their way to meet Dec and Holly.
Harry and Nick were told that they would be the ones to lay down in two horizontal cages, that had been split up into three sections. It was then up to Emily to do what some fans considered the hard part. Emily was tasked with picking up Rats, Crabs, Snakes, Baby Crocodiles, Huntsmen Spiders and Toads that she then had to place in different sections of the boy's cages.
Unlike her previous Bushtucker Trials, Emily remained calm and collected despite her fears, rather than screaming. Harry also faced his fears as two Rats were placed onto his torso "It that Roland?" he asked as he tried to make light of his situation.
Harry and Nick helped Emily in her part of the task by taking of the roles of Good Cop/Bad Cop as Nick told her "Come on Emily you can do this," when she struggled whereas Harry called out "You wanted to do this today, you've got to do it now." Both tactics appeared to have paid off as the trio returned to Croc Creek with a full house.
Letters from home
It was time to grab the tissue when after two weeks in the Jungle, the Campmates finally received letters from home. But it wasn't as easy as just handing the letters out; the Campmates had to work for their letters.
Under a time limit, the Campmates had to pass an egg to each other through a Chicken Coop that only allowed them to put their fingers through it.
The cruel task seemed almost impossible but between them, the Campmates worked out a system and John, and Nick took over as they began passing the eggs from one basket to another. As his egg made its way across the Coop Harry made everyone laugh as he said "Hello Sandra," to it.
Just as it seemed they were doing well Fleur's egg was dropped meaning that she lost her letter. But the Campmates continued, going faster now as the time ticked on, Anne told her Campmates "Do John's one first," when just her's and John egg were left in the first basket. It seemed that they might get all the letters except Fleur's, but with Anne's halfway across the Coop the klaxon sounded, and she too lost her letter.
Rita's ready
Although it was a shock to many fans of the show when it was announced that Rita would be the fourth Campmate to leave Croc Creek after coming in the bottom two alongside Fleur East, she was happy that it was her and ready to leave the Jungle and return to her family.