Last night's I'm a Celeb sent a wave of emotions through viewers who over the course of the hour-long show felt; pride, devastation, and heartbreak. Nick continued to play the role of 'Dad' in the camp and continue to struggle with his role as Camp Leader. This meant he was unable to participate in any Camp Chores.
Anne Hegerty continued to keep the viewers laughing along with her, as she sat half embarrassed in the Bush Telegraph stating; "I farted in Nick Knowles face." Despite her diagnosis of autism, Anne has managed to settle into the camp quite well after a shaky start that left her emotional during her first few days.
Nick vs Noel
There was a slight tension in the camp last night, as Nick proved to be a stickler for the rules in the same manner a Head Boy would. However, one member of the camp who struggled with three people in camp at all times was Noel Edmonds who had previously been Camp Emperor.
Not one to be told what to do Noel attempted to sneak past Camp Leader Nick, but was quickly spotted and asked; "How many people are in camp?" After some quick math, Noel was sent back to camp leaving behind a bewildered Nick and Harry.
The Quest
John Barrowman took charge after he was sent to take part in The Quest, along with Rita Simons and James McVey. Meanwhile, the rest of the campmates remained in Croc Creek after completing a live trial that earnt the trio 85 minutes to complete their tasks.
As John left the camp singing, Nick hilariously called the trial "Trek: The Musical."
There were four tasks for the trio to complete in order to win their stars, each star would mean a seat for a campmate at the buffet table. They first had to abseil down a rock face and on their way down each of them had to collect one star each, they succeeded with ease which meant three campmates would go to the buffet.
Next Rita showed us what she was made off, as she fearlessly made her way into a narrow cave, where the campmates were tasked with unravelling chains that had the stars they needed attached to them. Again they succeeded and now had six stars and six seats available for their campmates.
Then a short raft ride was all that was needed to collect the next two stars, while John and Rita paddled, James swam alongside them and help to guide the raft.
Rita attempted to reach for the stars but came up short, so John took over and easily reached the next two stars, meaning that they now had eight seats to the buffet. The trio confidently left the raft behind as they went onto their final task.
"The Quest," ended in a zip line, John, Rita and James were confident they would be able to grab the last three stars and have a meal for every campmate. James went first and grabbed his star. Next was Rita who also grabbed her star. Placing the pressure on John to grab the last star and a buffet seat for everyone.
In a devastating moment, John missed his star by a fingertip and their time was up. John was disappointed in himself and readily said that he would give up his seat, as he was the one who missed the final star.
However, once back in camp, Nick vetoed his decision and said that he would stay and let his hard-working campmates head out for their meal.
Buffet's and Bean Burgers
Nick Knowles broke the nation's hearts last night, as he sacrificed his place at the buffet and tested out a new recipe in camp. Viewers felt for Nick as he sat alone in camp, cooking bean burgers for himself and exercising. Since his time in the camp, Nick has done his best to make life easier for his campmates, with acts such as giving his pillow to Anne, selecting Anne to be his second in command and cook each night for everyone.
Back in Snake Rock, the other ten campmates enjoyed a roast dinner style buffet, particularly Maligue who ate his first plate so quickly that he almost threw up. Harry was even more impressed by his meal when he discovered the Jam Roly Poly Pudding that he has been craving for days.