Many fans of the show have questioned the intellect of this year's candidates, who throughout the last nine weeks have seemingly made consistently bad decisions. This week proved to be no different as Team Typhoon's Sarah Ann Magson, a solicitor and Daniel Elahi, a lifestyle brand owner left behind the portable cleaner they needed for their promotional ad.
Before their live TV performances, each team was given the opportunity to showcase one of their chosen items while Team Collaborative chose their portable hair curler for their thirty-second advert.
Together company owners, Kadija Kalifa and Tom Bunday produced a promo that ultimately boosted their sales during the live TV segment.
Meanwhile, Sarah Ann and Daniel struggled with time limitations after they failed to take their portable cleaner to the filming location, and were forced to instead shoot it in the carpark of the product warehouse. Unable to recover from their blunder the pair produced a shoddy advert, that was later rejected by the TV sales producer.
Live TV
Sarah Ann and Daniel on Team Typhoon and Kadjia and Tom on Team Collaborative showed us the funny side of live television as they stood not realising they were live on air, or in Tom's case used charcoal toothpaste on his teeth with no water to wash it off with.
However, most of the tension in the teams came from the pairs working behind the scenes. Sian Gabbidon, a swimwear brand owner along with tennis events company owner, Sabrina Stocker worked behind the scenes for Team Typhoon, feeding their teammates information and dropping prices for their products. But, Sian refused to listen to Sabrina's inputs and acted as though she was alone.
Sponsorship consultant Jackie Fast and Camilla Ainsworth, a nut milk brand owner who have worked together before were in the background of Team Collaborative's live TV segments. But they also failed to get on the same page, after Jackie stated they should take turns feeding the information whereas Camilla believed that they should both have separate jobs and stick to them.
Lord Sugar unimpressed
After his failings in last week's Contemporary Art task, Tom was given a final warning by Lord Sugar who said he was on his last chance. After it was announced that Team Typhoon had been successful, Lord Sugar sent the team away to enjoy their prize.
Moments later, Lord Sugar reminded Tom of the previous week's warning before firing him straight away. The rest of the team was shocked, as was Tom who was given no time to discuss the task and his role in the team this week. As the show gets closer to his finale Lord Sugar's no-nonsense attitude has made a comeback as the time for second chances dwindles.
Double firing
However, Tom's shock firing did not mean that the remaining candidates were safe.
As is tradition Lord Sugar sent the remaining candidates to the cafe where they would discuss the task privately before returning to the boardroom. As there were only three candidates left on Team Collaborative, Jackie, Kadija and Camila all returned to the boardroom.
Perhaps the most shocking moment of the episode was when the candidates returned to the boardroom for the final time. Before Lord Sugar had a chance to speak Jackie spoke up with her final speech, revealing to Lord Sugar that she had sold her company for "millions of pounds." The statement put Lord Sugar on the defensive as he told the sponsorship consultant "£250 is life-changing money for someone."
Jackie's plan to come out on top backfired, as Camilla and Kadija also revealed their backgrounds and proved themselves to be the "Acorns," that Lord Sugar is looking for. Struggling to find a reason why Jackie would need his money or help Lord Sugar pointed to Jackie and told her "You're Fired."