Fans of the show were able to vote for their favourite couple this week, leaving the three couples with the least votes at risk of being dumped from the Villa. However, in a shock twist to the dumping it was the Islanders who had to choose who went home, while the couples with the least votes watched on.

The girls and boys were split by Caroline Flack and told it was up to them to dump the Islander of the opposite gender. The girls had to choose from Adam, Alex and Eyal while the boys choices were Zara, Ellie and Megan. Viewers sat at the edge of their seats as they waited for the names of the dumped Islanders.

According to the Daily Mail Tuesday night's episode "Peaked at 3.4 million viewers during the explosive show" and ITV2 Studios tweeted that "Last night's episode of Love Island UK was the most watched programme on ITV2 ever!"

Two more dumped

After a tough deliberation the girls decided that Eyal would be the next boy to be dumped from the Villa. Eyal took the decision well despite also being dumped by Megan earlier in the week. During his time on the show Eyal had been coupled with Hayley and then Megan, but failed to find love in either relationship.

The boys decided that it would be Zara that should also be dumped from the Villa, to which she gave a very different reaction to Eyal and immediately broke down in tears.

Zara was coupled with Adam and was also the fourth girl he had made a move on during his time in the Villa.

Adam also seemed upset by Zara's shock departure but many fans of the show just saw it as karma for the way Adam had treated Kendall and Rosie previously in the show. The Mirror wrote how a "Tearful Zara wanted love interest Adam to leave the villa with him but he decided to stay and enjoy the popularity of the show."

Adam's reluctance to leave the show despite his claims that he had true feelings for Zara, had fans questioning once again how sincere Adam was in his feelings for her.

However, her feelings for him were obvious, the Daily Mail quoted her as saying "I'm not disappointed I've left the villa, I'm disappointed to leave Adam."

More drama to come

Just as viewers thought that this had been the most dramatic week of the series, it was revealed that twelve new Islanders would be joining the show in Thursday night's episode as Casa Amor opened its doors for the new Islanders.

One of the female Islanders named Ellie has a history with loved-up pen salesman Jack, who recently asked Danny Dyer's daughter Dani to be his girlfriend. Fans of the show are excited for this new development, believing that Jack and Dani have yet to be tested as a couple.