Jacob Rees-Mogg discovered the delights of social media and often posts to Twitter these days. On February 23rd, he shared an article in The Sun, where he said, amongst other things, that "The Prime Minister’s vision for the UK as a global trading nation makes perfect sense."

Unlike Donald Trump whose tweets Rees-Mogg once described as "trivial," the article was well received and even those who opposed his ideas had something intelligent and well-thought out to say.

It is apparent from the tweeted reactions, that on the whole, the UK public is a cut in maturity above those involved in social media politics in the USA.

Rees-Mogg and The Sun article

As Rees-Mogg pointed out, "Conservatives, former Leavers and former Remainers respect the referendum result and are focusing on making Brexit the success it was always going to be." While he thought that there may be little contention left, there are some "die-hard" people wishing for UE Integration, who do "disagree."

Noting their comments about being held to "ransom," he replied that is not the case at all. It is obvious that the UK must be able to negotiate their own trade deals to bring prosperity.

He also mentioned that it would be wrong to be in the position where the UK cannot set their own Customs Tariffs, arguing that not being able to reduce the prices of basic necessities would affect the poor.

Reactions to the Tweeted article

There were many reactions to Jacob Rees-Mogg's tweeted article in the Sun about Brexit. Those who were in agreement with his very easily understood concepts of Brexit, commended him.

One user wrote, "Spot on Jacob! We certainly cannot let the tail wag the dog! Really encouraging sensible article!"

Another made a good point, writing, "I do understand many on twitter that wish to stop the UK leaving the EU are not living in the UK. Some wish to stop the UK leaving for their own personal financial reasons.

Some don't seem to understand the fact that the EU gives the UK nothing except some of it's taxes back."

Another posted, "Dear sir. These proposals have my support. My exit vote was primarily based on sovereignty and trade relations. My 3 wishes for the UK are: 1)Multilateral international trade. 2) National security. 3) A strengthened union within the United Kingdom. We need a hard stance!"

The opposers to Brexit

Of course, in a democracy, there are always opposers - as there should be. "We know that, from having one of the fastest growing economies in the EU, and outside the EU, are now the slowest (even Greece has overtaken us). And we have not even left the EU. The extra cost of Brexit will put a further burden on our economy," wrote one commenter.

From such posts one see's the intellectual maturity of most political activists and pundits in the UK. Ok, granted there were some minor expletives in other posts, but compare it to a reaction to a seemingly innocent post by Melania Trump on the same day:

Here are a few reactions from the liberals who oppose conservatives in government in the USA.

  • "What the hell has she actually done? A living, breathing blow up doll to be Dotard 45s pretend wife?" posted K. Douglas.
  • Another wrote, "Stop pretending you care about anything Melania if you did you would divorce Donald Trump and learn English."
  • And this one, saying to the USA's First lady, "Next time you should strip for them."

The Brexit outcome and the United Kingdom

Brexit for the Leavers and the Remainers remains a contentious issue in the UK, but the United Kingdom will find a way forward one way or the other, and probably with some dignity and some good old-fashioned manners.

While many people accused Rees-Mogg of being too wealthy to be a "real" leader and they feel he is a bigot, his ideas are clearly set out, and that's important in such a complex deal like Brexit.

His article was clearly written, simple and understandable. Perhaps that's why many of Jacob Rees-Mogg's Brexit detractors are so polite about it all.