Jeremy Corbyn took to Twitter to accuse the Conservatives of a "power grab" and other opposition parties think he is right in his assertion. As we gear up to leave the EU many of the European laws we have lived by like workers rights will be transferred over to the British statute book.
Some laws will be kept while others will be disposed of as the government sees fit but this has rung alarm bells in certain quarters.
People worry that certain laws of EU origin will be cherry picked to suit the government and others discarded.
Corbyn has accused the government of trying to hijack the Withdrawal Bill with putting more Tories on a standing committee than Labour or SNP. A committee selection is made up of cross party members to oversee certain issues in this case Brexit. The committee is influenced by a general election and as May did not gain a majority the committee should be made up of four Conservatives, four Labour, and one SNP.
Leadsom's Proposal
Ms. Leadsom who lost out in the leadership election to Theresa May has proposed a tinkering of the committee which has had opposition parties up in arms.
She proposed that the committee should be made up of five Conservatives, four Labour, and one SNP.
If this goes ahead it will give the Conservatives a majority when dealing with the issue of Brexit. Thus the Tories have been accused of undermining the democratic process.
MP's will vote on who sits on the committee on Tuesday and vote on the Brexit Bill (Withdrawal) on Monday. The Bill will be receiving its 2nd reading as the government tries to finalise what Brexit will look like. They can expect a stormy time in the Commons as Labour have already accused the government of being undemocratic over this.
Can Theresa May be trusted on any aspect of Brexit as she is a woman who seems to say one thing and do another?
Brexit: Still hurts
53 percent of our population voted for leave and 48 percent voted to stay in the European Union and the issue is still a hot potato between the two groups.
Even now the atmosphere between leavers and remainers is just as poisonous as it was when David Cameron called the referendum. On social media and on political programmes the words between leavers and remainers are vitriolic.
There are demonstrations and counter demonstrations on a daily basis on the issue of Brexit. For the leavers, it seems if they are UKIP or right wing Tories and they want a hard Brexit. Some leavers, on the other hand, would prefer a soft Brexit but it looks like the Brexit the government is proposing may be on the hard side.
For remainers, they now know unless a miracle occurs the UK is leaving the EU forever and will try to make the best of it.