"Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" is soon to be released in the UK and theater goers can rejoice that they will get to see it one day before the US fans just one day after the premiere at the Dubai International Film Festival on December 14, 2016. In just eight days the first of three standalone Star Wars anthology movies will have Disney closely watching the box office ratings and fans eager for the ever popular movies.

The last major hit at the box office was "The Force Awakens." That movie exploded the ratings and "Star Wars" fans will be keen to see if the latest release matches up to it.

The pre-sales for the movie, show that "Rogue One" has a lot to live up to and deliver to expectant fans as Pre-sale tickets that went on sale on November 28, 2016, crashed ticket sales sites such as Fandango in just ten minutes!

'Rogue One' is set just before the original 'Star Wars'

The star-studded cast involves a bunch of Rebels off to steal the Death Star blueprints. Remember, or should I say could you ever forget the original "Star Wars" which set a new trend in Entertainment?

Well, this movie is set just before those original events. Entertainment Weekly quotes Director Gareth Edwards as saying the movie will portray "the reality of war. Good guys are bad. Bad guys are good. It's complicated, layered; a very rich scenario in which to set a movie." Overall, the reviews are very happy that the New movie has a lot of nostalgic stuff that equates to the original "Star Wars."

Vader? It just would not be right without Darth

There were some rumours and speculation that the movie would not include Darth Vader, but to the relief of everybody, in the second teaser trailer, Darth is seen in a reflection of a computer screen and the classic breathing sound effects came through.This news reported by the Daily News in July set a lot of concerns to rest.

So is the hype right- is this a hot movie to see these holidays?

Jacob Siegal wrote in a BGR review that this movie looks to be yet another "Star Wars" hit. Although fans were initially a little bit "wary" as we all are when contemplating a return to something old and use-by dated, media invited to a 30-minute segment of the final cut last weekend raved about it. Jacob Hall of Slash Film wrote that the K-2SO droid made the movie for him, with special reference to the temperamental attitude "without a single social grace.” Sounds like R2D2 revisited!

There are trailers which you can watch, but do any of really need a trailer to sell us "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story?" Nevertheless, we can indulge in advance by viewing them below:

Trailer One

Trailer two

Trailer three