How people learn from each other

As we are related to the Macaca Fascicularis (Monkey Family) it's natural for us to copy movements and learn skills from the older person. We all work in packs like clockwork it's important to remember we also have genetic memory it also runs through humans as well as animals. But not everything is genetic memory as we have to be taught how to solve problems, walk and talk whereas animals learn this naturally through watching their pack members. Animal behaviour compared to human behaviour really isn't much different as their is always someone that is 'The top dog'.

This also occurs within friendship groups and work places. The latter is that there will always be a pecking order. It may sound very secondary schoolish but most people in a group will look for a first in command and second in command. Usually, the stronger and more confident will lead the group and encourage others to follow whether the actual decision made is good or not. This is what we know as peer pressure which also happens within animal groups.

The peer pressure can be seen quite easily or missed depending on how subtle this action us performed within the group. For humans particularly during their early school years is that they form small groups within their various classes but have a set friends in their circle.

This could be down to the set attributes given off by a certain person in the group these could be: intelligence, looks, strength, leadership skills or even simply by the type of clothes they wear or jewellery and accessories they own. Everything is within our mind to improve and better ourselves include to please other people which is usually done through simple things for scenarios such as: two people in a group of four and then the two people have the same bag but they feel only one of them can have that specific bag.

This is because the person with the same bag as the other as the person may feel threatened by this fact someone owns the same bag as them in the same circle. This is simply as state of dominance within a group as to who wears what and owns which item.