Donald Trump: Celebrates his first 100 days at the White House this Saturday

The military offensives in Syria and Afghanistan and the appointment of Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme, rank among the successes of the US president. However, the stumbling blocks with Obamacare, the migratory veto and the Mexican wall, rank among the blunders. trump's unexpected demonstrations of military force in Syria and Afghanistan and the appointment of Conservative magistrate Neil Gorsuch in the Supreme Court are among the successes, while the stumbling blocks in some of the issues he flagged during the election campaign, such as the veto of the citizens of Muslim countries, add to the list of Donald Trump's most sonic failures until now.

Donald Trump: Main achievements in 100 days

Military power, The attack on Syrian Shayrat's Military base, in response to Al Assad's use of chemical weapons, has left the dictator and his main support, Russia, in bad shape. To this was added shortly after the coup of the launching of "the mother of all bombs" in Afghanistan, which killed a hundred jihadists.

Majority in the Supreme, The appointment of Neil Gorsuch as magistrate guarantees the conservative majority in the Supreme Court.

Tax rebate, The tax reduction plan is the most ambitious since the Reagan era, with the aim of triggering growth.

NAFTA Review, The renegotiation of the agreement with Canada and Mexico can improve the US trading position.

Donald Trump: Failures in first 100 days

End of Obamacare, The suppression and replacement of Obama's health care system had to be postponed by stagnating in Congress, with no short-term solutions.

The wall with Mexico, Trump, forced to delay the work for lack of economic departure. Donald Trump's intentions to build a wall with Mexican border had a great controversy and was badly criticised by the American citizens.

Judicial overhangs, The judges vetoed citizens of Muslim countries with terrorism. Seven countries of Muslim majority were banned by the Trump administration to enter the US.

The Russian Connection, The shadow of the connection with Vladimir Putin in the election campaign does not disappear.

The investigation is moving forward with the FBI and Congress.

Conflicts of interest, The possible incompatibilities are a constant, more so with the president's daughter, Ivanka Trump, in the white House.