"Love Island" aired Tuesday night, and fans expected that the build-up would see Tommy Fury pairing up with Amber. However, in a bit of a twist, he went and chose Lucie Donland instead. That was unexpected, given that she had a connection with Joe. On Twitter, many fans were a bit shocked at his decision. However, over on Instagram, former contestant, Dean Overson says that Tommy made the right choice.
Dean Overson of 'Love Island' 2018 agrees with Tommy Fury's decision
Fans of the "Love island" show probably recall that Dean Overson was in the 2018 season of "Love Island." Radio Times reminded us that at the time, he said, '"I will get along with everyone but I’m set in my ways.
If I want something, I will get it,” he says. “I’m in there to find love so I wouldn’t be bothered about tearing any ties if I wanted to couple up with someone who was with someone else."'
Fans of the show will recall that he was rejected from the Island. However, later he and another reject, Ellie Jones were spotted holding hands "at a swanky party in London." They noted that they both failed to couple up on the TV show, but, "Ellie, 22, who previously dated Jack Fincham, was seen giving Burnley car salesman Dean, 25, a kiss." With that kind of actual show experience behind him, he's probably able to better react to Tommy's decision than most. Actually, Wes Nelson, a former contestant finalist also made a comment that he thought he made the right choice, but that comment later got removed.
Fans of the show furious because Joe and Lucie were well suited
Over on Instagram, some very strong feelings came out about Tommy choosing Lucie instead of Amber. That's because Joe and Lucie really looked great together. Here's what some "Love Island" 2019 fans said about it:
- @htt**: "nope don’t like him, he ruined an amazing couple."
- @xxa**: "Noooooooooo joe and Lucie is ruined"
- @ain**: "love island season 5 has cancelled itself."
- @roa**: "If Lucie turned around and said ‘don’t pick me - I like Joe’ he wouldn’t have picked her. She wasn’t assertive enough and left the door open. I believe Lucie will break hearts through this season - you read it first here. My radar is going wild. Can no else see this?"
Anyway, along came our alum, Dean Overson, from 2018 and he put up an argument in favour of Tommy.
He noted, "Fair play to the lad, always go with your gut." However, lots of fans disagreed with him. Actually, a few of them forgot he starred in last year's show, and but others agreed with him.
So many people got themselves worked up about Tommy, that others cautioned them. After all, it's not like the couple "married and have six children," said one commenter.
Other's pointed out it's early days yet and lots can still happen. Meanwhile, one fan noted that "it’s only day 2 practically love island was boring till he walked in he’s giving us entertainment and drama."
Really, we're all here for the entertainment drama," and yes, Tommy Fury did spice things up in a hurry. What do you think about former "Love Island" 2018 contestant Dean Overson agreeing that Tommy Fury made the right decision about Lucie?
Remember to follow the Film Channel on Basting Pop for more news about "Love Island" 2019.