The second episode of "SAS: Who Dares Wins," began on day three of the nine-day selection process with twenty-two of the twenty-five original recruits remaining. While last week's episode aimed to quickly eliminate the weakest recruits, this week the aim of Ant Middleton and his directing staff known as "DS" was to test the strengths of his recruits.

Last night's episode saw four more recruits leave the process, #1 Nadine, an aviation firefighter "VW" after struggling to breathe and #19 Julie, a police officer who left the process after hyperventilating.

Two recruits #13 Saranya, a student and one of the male recruits #11 were culled from the process.

The series and the SAS itself may be known for its tough exterior and "Beastings" last night's show not only focused on mental strength, but it all also delved into mental health dealing with issues such as; abuse and suicide. Not only did the recruits open up about their struggles but DS and former Royal Marine Commando; Jason 'Foxy' Fox opened up about his struggles after 20 years in the Special Forces.

Mental strength

Foxy was medically discharged from the Royal Marines, due to PTSD and chronic burnout, two mental health issues that before he dealt with them, were signs of weakness to him.

Foxy was able to relate to #16, Nathanial a student who revealed to the "Staff" that he had once tried to commit suicide and was using the selection process to escape from his life.

In a private interview, Foxy told the camera that after being forced to return to civilian life he too had contemplated suicide, even coming as close to sitting on the edge of a cliff face wondering if he should end it all. Although the military was once known as being out of touch when it came to mental health, in recent years displays of emotions have become more acceptable.

The show's candid approach to mental health has even more of an effect now that the 'MOD' have allowed women to be recruited into all combat roles, as it shows that the military is taking steps to move with the times despite being an institution that prides itself on tradition.

Mark 'Billy' Billingham telling the camera "We have to see if you can step out of your comfort zone and go forward," when it came to the recruits facing their fears, in a task that took mental strength.

This week candidates were presented with a forward abseil, to simulate real-life Special Forces conditions.

Ant tested the recruits even further by planting seeds of doubt amongst the group, by calling each recruit forward individually and asking them "Who's the weakest?" "Who doesn't deserve to be here?" and "Who is s**t?" before selecting the two recruits who had been voted the weakest; #13 Saranya, a Student and #20 Tracy, a Security Guard to become team leaders in a relentless uphill hike.

Fight to survive

In last week's episode Ant and his, DS made it clear that gender would not play a role in the SAS selection process and no changes would be made to the course. Last night that was made even clearer as the recruits were pitted against each other in sparring matches, as each recruit was called to fight they were able to choose their opponent with almost all of them picking someone of their same gender.

However, #21 Louise, a midwife chose to go against one of her male counterparts, choosing to fight #16 Nathaniel, a student.

In his interview, one of the DS Matthew 'Ollie' Ollerton told the camera "You've got to take away the fact of who you're opponent is. Big. Small. Male. Female. It's about aggression."

After being told by Ant "The best form of defence here is attack," the pair went at each other knowing their place on the course could depend on it. Although #16 felt bad about his sparring match, #21 was quick to remind him that she was fine and that he had no choice as she had chosen him.