Day three of "I'm a Celeb," and one friendship has grown even closer, as Harry and John broke into a rendition of "Oh I do like to be beside the seaside," as if they'd been singing together for years. The football lover and the musical fan struck up their unlikely friendship from day one, and their twenty-year age gap has not stopped them from bonding with each other.
Later on, when collecting wood for the fire, Harry and John shared the stories of how they met their significant others.
Once again Harry's story had everyone listening in stitches as he told the story of how he met his wife of over fifty years at a place called "The Two Puddings," while John and the viewers at home laugh that such a place existed.
John then regaled his story of how he and husband Scott shared their first date with Cher, but Harry remained unimpressed amusing telling the Bush Telegraph "John was having dinner with Cher, yeah but, I was meeting Sandra at The Two Puddings and I know who got the best of the deal," as he raised his hand.
Biffy Clyro Trends
At first Nick Knowles was coy about who inspired him to release his 2017 album "Every Kind Of People," but he soon let slip how he had played on a rooftop bar with Biffy Clyro. The #BiffyClyroNotEmbarressedTheyJammedWithNickKnowles trended shortly after the revelation, and Dec's encouragement for fans to tweet the hashtag.
Since last night sales and downloads of Nick's cover of Bob Dylan's "Make You Feel My Love" are up 500 percent, although he has yet to appear on the Official Singles Chart, Radio X Host Chris Moyles is hoping to push the song to be this year's Christmas number one.
Campmate support
Anne Hegerty was voted to participate in the second Bushtucker Trial, Monstrous Monoliths a trial that combined numbers and critters. Despite her efforts, Anne only managed to collect two stars before becoming overwhelmed and calling out "I'm a Celebrity get me out of here!" clearly upset by the results, Anne returned to Snake Rock where Rita, Fleur, and James were more than happy to see her return and congratulated Anne on how hard she tried.
The support from Anne's campmates continued at the two camps became one, and Nick made sure to sit with Anne after previously finding out from Emily that Anne had been having a rough time. The DIY SOS host put his arm around Anne as she cried once again, after another hard day in the Jungle and overwhelmed by the physical discomfort.
Before entering Croc Creek the Snake Rock campmates worked to win luxury items for their fellow campmates, after only winning four out the six items they decided to pay back the favour to John, Nick, Sair and Malique who had previously won items for Fleur, James and Anne in their task.
Nick's item was a pillow, an item he said he had chosen so that he could "Share it with anyone who was having trouble sleeping," seconds after opening his luxury item Nick threw it across the fire to Anne, who smiled and thanked him for the kind gesture.
Scary Rose
John Barrowman was chosen for tonight's Bushtucker Trial, "Scary Rose" a trial that will see him dive into a sunken ship filled with creatures such as; Eels and baby Crocodiles. John has admitted his fears include; confined spaces and jumping out of planes, so this task might be one that he can manage without getting too scared.
"I'm A Celebrity" have also revealed via that Noel Edmonds, 69, will be entering this year's Jungle. The TV host has even promised to retire from television if he is voted "King of the Jungle."