Polvos used hazardous to health. During races, colored powders are widespread. They can be left on the skin and/or be inspired by the participants. Students have pointed to the dangerous, but organizers decided to respond. The controversy surrounding the colored powders used during races "Color Me Rad" no less swollen. On Monday, the organizers wanted to fend off "accusations" brought by the National School of Chemistry of Rennes they consider "false" and "defamatory".
The study
Students studying in Rennes colored powders appreciate the color concept works or the Color Me Rad. Participants are sprayed with colored powders, but if the target is based on damaging power festival would not be taken into account. In Rennes, these are the students of chemistry who opened the debate. They believe that irritation and/or respiratory skin may well be at the rendezvous. Given these results, so vigilance is required, but organizers are struggling.
No problems identified in the Color Me Rad
The body in charge of Color Me Rad shared a press release in which the results of this study slanderous and false considered.
No problems have been referenced in the 14 races that allowed pilots are 120 thousand. The colored powders are a mixture of corn starch would not be dangerous. However, students are not left aside a certain risk, as they may also ignite. In France, there was no accident, but that is not the case in Taiwan.
A colored powder had ignited in Taiwan in 2015
The tragedy occurred in 2015 during the summer, the crowd gathered in a park when he embraced the powder color. People present in this water park were trapped by the flames, the balance was quite heavy as about 500 wounded had been identified. According to what doctor, the organizers insist that the colored powders used are not flammable, do not adversely affect the environment or the health of spectators and pilots. In addition, various colored powders is complex for testing event rather consumed, which however are not present in the Color Me Rad.