The TV series “Breaking Bad” premiered in 2008 and ran for five seasons before it ended in 2013. Initially shocking due to its theme of a school chemistry teacher cooking meth, the series was a huge hit with viewers. The show led to a spin-off prequel series, “Better Call Saul,” which launched in 2015.
Now Vince Gilligan has announced the good news that they are starting production on a “Breaking Bad” Film later this month. It is unclear whether the same actors will star or whether the film will be for television or cinemas.
Film adaptation of ‘Breaking Bad’
The Hollywood Reporter recently broke the news of a two-hour film adaptation of the original story. So far, producers have come up with a working title – “Greenbrier” and sources say the film will be set in the “existing “Breaking Bad” franchise.”
Details are sparse, but the title has been put forth as 'Greenbriar'
— Variety (@Variety) November 7, 2018
It was not reported whether the same characters and stars will appear in the film, but the story will be about the escape of a kidnapped man and his quest for freedom. So far it has not been made clear whether the film will be made for cinemas or television. The name is also not set in stone yet, as “Better Call Saul” reportedly went through a series of name changes until it was finalised.
As reported by MovieWeb, the New Mexico Film Office confirmed that production on the movie will start this month in New Mexico. It is also unclear whether the movie will be a sequel or a prequel to the original “Breaking Bad” story. However, the good news is that Vince Gilligan is involved and will write the script and be an executive producer.
He may also direct the film. Mark Johnson and Melissa Bernstein, the executive producers of “Better Call Saul,” are also involved in the new project.
‘Better Call Saul,’ Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul
Gilligan announced earlier in the year that he is desperate to reunite the lead characters from the “Breaking Bad” series, Walter White and Jesse Pinkman on “Better Call Saul.” When that will happen is currently unknown.
#BreakingBad Movie From Creator Vince Gilligan in the Works
— Hollywood Reporter (@THR) November 7, 2018
Meanwhile, Bryan Cranston (who played Walter White) had earlier said he didn’t want “Breaking Bad” to be rebooted for a TV series. He said it was best to leave it alone and not mess with it, wanting to look back on the show favourably. However, he had replied saying “never say never” back in 2014 when asked about a possible film adaptation. Turns out he was right.
Later this month, the original series will celebrate its 10th anniversary with the release of a vinyl soundtrack.