Blackpool Police shared an image of someone who looks incredibly like David Schwimmer of “Friends” fame, stealing beer from a restaurant. After the image was posted, it went viral, with many people recognising the thief’s resemblance to Schwimmer.

The "Friends" star didn’t take long to hilariously respond to the post by the Blackpool Police, posting a video to Twitter of himself, pretending to steal beer from a New York supermarket.

A lookalike of ‘Friends’ actor steals beer from the restaurant

As noted by the BBC, on Tuesday this week Blackpool Police shared an image on Facebook of a man captured on CCTV surveillance cameras, stealing crates if beer from a restaurant in Blackpool on the 20th September.

In their caption, they asked the public if they recognise the man, as they want to speak to him in relation to the theft.

The Lancashire Telegraph reports that the Internet immediately noted the man’s remarkable resemblance to David Schwimmer of “Friends” fame, with thousands making hilarious posts about the image and noting the resemblance. The original post has received 169,000 comments and 111,503 shares at the time of writing.

Schimmer responds to the Facebook post

Not to be outdone, Schwimmer then took to Twitter on Wednesday, posting a carefully crafted video of him “stealing beer” from a supermarket in New York. Using the hashtag #itwasntme, Schwimmer wrote to swear to the officers that it wasn’t him stealing beer in Blackpool.

He said as they can see, he was in New York at the time and he went on to wish the “hardworking Blackpool Police” good luck with their investigation.

Among the responses to Schwimmer’s tweet was one by the Lancashire Police, who thanked the “Friends” actor for being there for them, adding the hashtag #appreciatethesupport".

Blackpool Police commented on their own post to say they are investigating the crime thoroughly and have officially confirmed Schwimmer was in New York at the time. However, they did jokingly add that they were sorry it had to be this way.

Other responses to the original Facebook post included someone who asked if anyone else was there just for the comments.

Another joked to say it wasn’t Ross, it was Russ, trying to frame him to win back Rachel.

Hopefully, with the thief’s incredible likeness to Schwimmer, he should be easy to track down and arrest.

In other recent news relating to Schwimmer, he is now appearing in the popular US sitcom “Will & Grace” as Grace’s new beau. However, he is quite the different man in this sitcom and nothing like Ross Gellar from “Friends.”