"Justine Bieber nearly breaks the Internet," is how a radio announcer on Radio Jacaranda described the Twitter reaction to the punch that drew blood on a fan's face in Barcelona. Justin is always newsworthy, but this time around he is trending for a different reason. The Internet is awash with comments about the incident when a crazed fan who tried to touch the muso got more than he bargained for.

Bieber gave him a good old-fashioned punch in the face. No doubt his busted face will be something the fan will secretly treasure, despite the fact that some people are speculating Bieber might in trouble for assaulting someone. It is not every day Bieber gets so close and personal with other guys.

Internet overload over Justin Bieber the face breaker

News reports indicate that this fan put his hands in through the window of the vehicle that Bieber was in. Fans were left shocked and in disarray as Bieber's car drove off leaving the fan to bleed. Huffington post reported that in fact, the fan got way too close for comfort.

This is Europe after all, where knifing attacks by terrorists are becoming more common. There has not been an official announcement from the Bieber team yet, but many people assume that Justin probably felt he was in some danger when a total stranger invaded his personal space.

TMZ captured it and posted up the video

The incident took place on Tuesday night in Barcleona, Spain and all thanks to TMZ as they released a video of the incident, so that Beliebers and everyone else in the world can gloat or simply amaze themselves over it all. The video has had over six million views already.

Watch below:

There are a lot of people screaming in the video, but some of them look a bit smirky as well and others look like "Wow!

Justin Bieber - the Man!" The fan has now got his few moments of fame and he sure made the most of it, re-enacting the incident for the cameras.

Fan reaction on Twitter and YouTube was overwhelming, instantaneous and huge. Let's take a look at what people have been saying about Justin's punch.

This Tweeter below, feels he would have done the same thing under the same circumstances.

The user below said much the same thing - just in stronger language.

But another Tweeter posted that Bieber is a "Thug Racist," so not everybody thinks it was ok for Justin to punch the Spaniard. Others were angry too, as so expressed in this tweet below:

The Justin Bieber confrontation with a fan that ended up with blood on the face in Barcelona nearly breaks the Internet with overload. What do you think? Thug or self-defense on the part of Justin Bieber?