The moment every Bollywood lover was waiting for hasfinally arrived, the first look of maestro Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s BajiraoMastani has finally been revealed and it looks more than promising. Eros Now theproducer of the epic tweeted the first look of the movie by revealing the threemain characters in their historic avatar. Deepika Padukone is seen wearing armourand pulling an arrow in the magnum opus teaser while Ranveer Singh and PriyankaChopra are seen in a pensive mood looking into the camera.

The movie has been the talk of the town right from its veryinception.

Ranveer Singh also tweeted his look with a message indicatingthat a storm is coming. The theatrical trailer of this historic saga is slatedto hit theatres on 16th July 2015 along with Salman Khan’s nextblockbuster Bajrangi Bhaijaan.

Though the trailer is yet to be released for the generalaudience, a special screening of the same was held and a lot of Bollywood starsare already raving about it. Critics like Taran Adarsh and Anupama Chopraexpressed their love towards the trailer through their Twitter handles and haveexcited the fans more. The excitement is so high that the hashtag #BajiraoMastanitrailer was also seentrending on social networking sites. Along with the character reveals, a posterof the movie was also shared online by the makers which had Ranveer Singh’scharacter Bajirao dressed in an armour with his back facing the camera.

Bajirao Mastani is said to be one of the most ambitious and carefullydrafted piece of Cinema by Sanjay Leela Bhansali and thus the excitement aroundit has reached new heights, especially amongst Deepika Padukone fans post herfabulous performance in Piku. The movie is based on Peshwa Bajrao and his secondwife Mastani’s love story.

While Deepika Padukone plays the character of Mastani,Priyanka Chopra plays the role of Bajirao’s first wife Kashibai. Deepika clearlystands out more amongst the other two character reveals because of her being a woman warrior.

Bajirao Mastani is slated to release on 18thDecember 2015 opposite Shahrukh Khan and Kajol’s much awaited Dilwale. We will have towait and watch who wins what looks like one of the biggest clash on theBollywood box office.