5 colourful and whimsical things to see or do in Paris this year

Paris, France has many quaint, colourful and whimsical sights to see. [Image Pixabay]
Paris, France has many quaint, colourful and whimsical sights to see. [Image Pixabay]

See a whimsical fountain, dine in the dark, visit the bird market, head to Point Zero or visit a quaint bookshop that gives writers a place to sleep.

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5 whimsical and unusual attractions in Paris, France

Paris, France is the 'City of Light' and is a major tourist destination for many reasons. However, there is more to the city than the Eiffel Tower, the eerie Catacombs or the Notre-Dame cathedral.

Here are five quaint, whimsical or fascinating attractions to see on your holiday in Paris, including a bizarre fountain, a colourful bird market, The Point Zero of Paris, dining in the dark and a bookstore with free accommodation for writers.


The Stravinsky Fountain (Fontaine Stravinsky) - Rue Brisemiche, Paris, France

The Stravinsky Fountain is dedicated to Igor Stravinsky and his emotional and often strange music. The colourful sculptures are the work of Jean Tinguely, a sculptor, and Niki de Saint Phalle, a painter. The sculpture has been done in a Dadaist style and features black, machine-like structures. Meanwhile Saint Phalle’s painting work is bright and primitive. The whole collection makes for a fountain which is at the same time disorderly and whimsical.


Paris Bird Market - Place Louis Lepine, Rue Aubé, Paris, France

While the Paris Flower Market is one of the most popular attractions for visitors, each Sunday it is transformed to sell birds, instead of flowers. Some flowers remain on sale, but you will mainly see cages, stacked on top of each other and containing chirping and singing birds. The market has everything from pet song birds to livestock, like chickens, roosters and ducks.

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