"Aquaman" was released in the United States on December 21, 2018.
'Aquaman' Set To Become Biggest DC Movie Since 2012's 'The Dark Knight Rises'
The film is set to make $900 million.. If it does, it'll end up becoming the biggest DC movie since 2012's "The Dark Knight Rises"
Aquaman makes $750 million worldwide 'because women fancy Jason Momoa' https://t.co/8g9x4j9LYR pic.twitter.com/IFpf8l4o5T
— LADbible (@ladbible) January 1, 2019
'Aquaman' is the master of the oceans
One of the more underrated heroes, Aquaman has a complicated history and persuasive powers. Aquaman is the master of the oceans and therefore has control of 70 percent of the planet. He is the King of Atlantis and the proverbial Seven Seas.
Aquaman possesses gargantuan powers
Aquaman possesses superhuman strength which is unparalleled among all the other superheroes. He can shift tectonic plates, can toss a submarine on the ocean surface