5 abandoned islands with incredible histories

Ross Island, one of many abandoned islands in the world. [Image Biswarup Ganguly/Wikimedia]
Ross Island, one of many abandoned islands in the world. [Image Biswarup Ganguly/Wikimedia]

There are many abandoned islands in the world. Here are islands in Japan, England, the USA, India and Italy with a little of their history.

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5 fascinating abandoned islands and a little of their history

There are many abandoned islands in this world, with ruins and evidence of their former life. While most are strictly off-limits to visitors, many intrepid travellers have visited and photographed the islands.

Here are five fascinating abandoned islands along with a little of their history.


Gunkanjima Island, Japan

This small island lies off the coast of Nagasaki in Japan and used to be one of the most densely populated places in the world. However, the island has been a ghost town for the last forty years. The Mitsubishi Corporation developed the island in the 1900s, as it was sitting on an amazingly rich coal deposit. Their mining operations were producing 400,000 of coal per year by 1941, but eventually the coal ran out, leaving the island totally deserted.


Poveglia Plague Island, Venice, Italy

This tiny island lies half a mile from the city of Venice and was originally used as a quarantine station during the plague in the 18th century. Historians believe more than 160,000 plague-infected people lived out the remainder of their days here. Due to the nature of the island, many believe it to be haunted and while paranormal investigators would love to visit the island, it is currently off-limits to visitors.

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