Zimbabwe's been relatively quiet for a while now, but once again news filters out of the country about violence by police officers against civilian protesters in Harare. SABC on YouTube reported at least one woman was injured. Other news across social media's breaking out from civilians who photograph and video as much as they can. Possibly they tag all the mainstream media, as in the past, the Internet was taken down during these situations.
Protest prohibited but violence erupts in Zimbabwe anyway
Reuters reported that the "Movement for Democratic Change (MDC)...planned a series of street demonstrations." The party, very much against corruption are said to have scrapped the Harare protests after pressure from the government. Nevertheless, today, Friday, 16th of August plenty of police were on the streets. Videos of people beaten by riot police emerged before lunch, and unconfirmed rumors spread that a woman was either shot in the head or injured. However, this is unconfirmed at this time.
Other reports on Twitter emerged of a man getting his head stomped onto the ground.
Hopewell Chin'ono, an award-winning journalist tweeted, "What the regime has successfully done is to show the whole world that it was NEVER a New Dispensation, but rather it is the New Deception. The disproportionate use of police violence against unarmed civilians defines a State not sure of its own legitimacy to govern! It has FAILED."
In response, by one person indicates that despite the protest being banned, the demonstrators went ahead with it anyway.
Different opinions and rumors from Zimbabwe
One thing about Zimbabwe is that Twitter's not always a reliable source of the aftermath of police and protesters clashing violently. Unfortunately, many people pushing their own agenda often post old photos, or even photos not taken in Zimbabwe to prove their point.
Nevertheless, I can say that Harare definitely experienced riot police clashing with protesters today as I got notified via private message. Whether anyone actually died or not, should eventually be confirmed by mainstream media.
According to FDI, the protests were set to start today before they were halted. They noted that the economy is in tatters and people grow angry. The Guardian recalls that "In August last year six people were killed by troops deployed to clear the centre of Harare after an opposition rally against alleged vote-rigging." Plus they remind us that back in "January, 13 died and hundreds were raped or beaten as security forces quelled unrest following a hike in fuel prices."
Remember to follow the Military Channel on Blasting News for more information about the emerging news of police violence against protesters in Harare, Zimbabwe.