Abuse of any kind, including against children is unacceptable. It is quite baffling to read what has emerged in a survey published by the Guardian on abuses suffered by #Migrantsat the detention center in Nauru. Nauru is a tiny state where the Australian authorities send all those who try to illegally enter#Australia.
Many minors are being raped
The news reported by theGuardian arrears to be based on truth.The investigation was based on many pages edited by the operators of the private companies involved in the management of the center ofNauru detention.
Between May 2013 and October 2015, there were over 2,000 incidents. Although children living in the detention center represent 18% of migrants in this drab location, over 50% of the abuses were committed against them. After examining various documents, theGuardianhas discovered 7 cases ofchild sexual abuseand 59 cases of other abuses; not counting the episodes of self-harm and threats.
Sexual violence against women is a greater problem
The survey, published by the Guardian gets really creepy on the horrors that have been committed and are still being carried out in the detention center of Nauru, where all those who try to illegally enter Australia are detained. For example, a guard could be available to allow more time to a female child to take a shower, but he also wanted to attend the bath.
The investigation also released stories of children beaten, slapped and humiliated.
One found the courage to denounce violence
Harassment and beatings appeared to be meted out as routine treatment for both adults and children. Many women wererapedby the guards. A raped,migrant found the courage to denounce the violence. She talked to a cultural worker who works in the center, but this came to nothing.
The#Rapeof migrantsin Australia is normal, "like going to the toilet or eat the food," she said.
In short, the migrants have nowhere to tell their story and this is not right asonce out of the center the rapist could become her neighbor. The biggestproblemis undoubtedly represented bysexual violenceagainst women.