The London Marathon is an annual event that is the major charity fundraiser and it is not too late to apply to join the Save the Rhino team to run for rhinos. The London Marathon, 2017 - will take place on 23 April 2017, at Greenwich - St.James's. Save the Rhino International rely on the annual run to help fund their extensive efforts towards protecting the last of the very endangered rhino species.

According to them, the marathon "is the single biggest fundraising event of the year for Save the Rhino."

London Marathon - where to apply for a spot

Save the Rhino has posted up on Twitter, a link where people who want to register to run for the team can find out more but there is no time to waste as many ballot places have already been snapped up and there are limited places under the guaranteed Golden Bond scheme

Save the Rhino has participated since 1992

The London Marathon is considered to be one of the world majors, and the 2017 event will be the 35th in succession. Save the Rhino has been participating since 1992.

Last year a team of 58 runners enjoyed the run through central London, which ended outside Buckingham Palace.

Runners who get to participate in the Save the Rhino team are provided with a team vest or rhino costume - which is a lot of fun, a post-race massage pampering, and picnic and of course, placement on the team's Facebook page. The team will meet up and operate out of a "camp next to the Horse Guard's Memorial in St James' Park."

Saving rhinos in their natural habitat

Save the Rhino International has a great vision and that is to help conserve the rhinos in the wild, in their natural habitat. They are involved in Zimbabwe with the Lowveld Rhino Trust which is crucial for black rhino conservation.

They are also active in Indonesia and in Kenya in east Africa. As part of their fundraising, they hold events like mystery dinners, participate in the London Marathon and have a shop where they sell a range of items such as coasters, tees, cuddly toys, and cards. These are ideal for Christmas gifts and as the season is nearly upon us, a visit to their online shop would not go amiss.