"The Crown" has become the most expansive Netflix show: itis an upcoming TvSeries, created and written by Peter Morgan. With a budget of 100 millions, it will tell the story of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom and her rising to the English throne.The first season will consist of ten episodes, and is scheduled to be released in its entirety in two weeks, on November 4, 2016
Elizabeth story
The Netflix show will also explore the relationship between the royal couple that doesn't seem to be as perfect as it appears. Peter Morgan is planning to depict the life of Queen Elizabeth IIfrom her wedding in '47to the present day.
The plans are for the show to last six seasons and sixty episodes,with the actual main actress Claire Foyplaying the Queen in the early yearsof her reign.
Duty or freedom?
"The Crown" apparently will deal also with the Elizabeth's inner turmoil. The previews are hinting at a difficult beginning as the United Kingdom's monarch. This theme of the dualism between freedom and duty has been perfectly portrayed by another (stunning) movie centered on the enigmatic figure of Elizabeth II: Helen Mirren's "The Queen".
From "The Queen" to "The Crown"
This is not a casual reference: Peter Morgan has written the Academy Awards winner movie "The Queen" and the Academy Awards nomineeThe Hours' director Stephen Daldry will be involved as well: Netflix has such an incredible production.
Cast and spoilers
The cast includes Claire Foy as Queen Elizabeth, "Doctor Who"'s Matt Smith as Prince Philip, "Sherlock Holmes"'sJared Harris as King George VI, "Me Before You"'sVanessa Kirby as Princess Margaret, "Dexter"'sJohn Lithgow as Churchill,"Victoria and Albert"'sVictoria Hamilton as the Queen Mother.The first season will revolve around this polarity betweenthe Queen asElizabeth Windsor and Queen Elizabeth II at the same time.
She will realize that the crown has its own power, that in a certain way it can speak for itself.
'The Crown' previews
"The Crown" first trailer looks stunning:
"The Crown" second preview looks intense:
Don't miss my follow-up article about "Marvel's The Defenders" and have a look at my previous analysis of "Twin Peaks Season 3", "Black Mirror 3" and "Prison Break's return".