Avengers: Age of Ultron (or more commonly known as Avengers 2), the sequel to Marvel's most successful superhero movie The Avengers has surpassed the $1 billion mark in its 3rd week running, thus reaching the top 10 highest grossing movies in history.
United States
The fantasy/sci-fi Film premiered in the United States at the beginning of May with the 2nd largest US box office opening in history, with its $191 million opening only succumbing to the $207 million first weekend revenue of the original Avengers.
The movie received decent scores from critics (imdb: 8.0 / rotten tomatoes: 74% from critics, 88% from audience) which lead to strong ticket sales in the past week's - Avengers 2 has added another $181 million in the US since its opening, making it the #1 movie for 2015 for the moment, surpassing Furious 7's $343 million.
Surpassing the $1 billion mark
The movie has been running worldwide since the end of April, and on Friday, 15th May it surpassed the $1,000,000,000 mark. After the weekend additions Avengers: Age of Ultron has so far grossed $1,142 billion making it the 8th biggest movie of all time:
Gross amount
Marvel's The Avengers
Furious 7
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2
Iron Man 3
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Transformers: Dark of the Moon
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
The film is bound to climb even higher, since it will continue to run for a couple of more weeks, and could potentially reach the $1.5 billion mark.
This seems reasonable taking into account that ticket sales will be further boosted by China, where the movie just opened this weekend and by Japan, where the film will premiere in July only.
Mad Max: Fury Road and Pitch Perfect 2
Two new sequels premiered this weekend in the US, namely Mad Max: Fury Road and Pitch Perfect 2. Both movies have huge passionate fan bases, but the race between the two of them was won by Pitch Perfect 2, which opened with $70,3 million, while Max Max grossed "only" $44 million during the weekend.