According to Dr. Ronny Jackson, the white house physician, US President Donald Trump is “in excellent health.” This comment came after the President underwent a physical examination last Friday. However, it was not confirmed whether or not there were any mental health checks carried out on his mind, and many Doctors and psychiatric professionals have become concerned that the leader of the free world might be coming down with dementia.

Dozens of doctors and health experts have gotten together to pen an open letter to Dr. Jackson in which they urged him to carry out some basic psychological tests on Trump. The physical examinations carried out on the past five Presidents have included brief wanderings into mental health evaluations, but so far, it seems that there were none for Mr. Trump.

Being over 66, Trump’s mental health is at huge risk

Psychiatric health examinations are a routine part of physical tests for patients over the age of 66 and Trump is 71. According to basic medical guidelines, patients who are in the age range that Trump is in should be evaluated during physical examinations for their cognitive and neural health functions.

Now, White House officials have called questions about the mental capability of the President “disgraceful and laughable,” but that’s an administration of lies taking on medical professionals on the topic of medicine, so...