Well, what was all that about then? 51 days of talking, serious gaffes, spurious manifestos, and millions of wasted pounds; only to come out worse off than you were before. Ok, so it's not the result the Conservative party would have hoped for. No, no, its more than that, one that can only be described as a shambles. It will be looked back on as akin to going for Olympic Gold in the 1000 meters relay, only to find that you are competing in the archery instead!

Imagine being a fly on the wall in any of the EU dining rooms in Brussels over the next few weeks, hearing the various conversations of MEP's from all over Europe laughing into their subsidised lattes, and sniggering, that 'Our English Aunt has failed'. Big time!

So What Went Wrong?

Pretty much everything for everyone in the Conservative campaign from day one. It was ill thought out - certainly ill-conceived - and very poorly executed. They underestimated one thing - as most did - Jeremy Corbyn producing moments of charisma from a gruff Marxist soul and win, especially the young, round to his way of thinking.

The one bright spot was the party's resurgence north of the border in Scotland, due entirely to the efforts and sensible talking of Ruth Davidson.

How Can We Change Things?

Sadly we'll go through the whole procedure again before too long. Coalitions like the 2010 Conservative/Lib Dem pact are never an easy alliance which cost the Democrats dear in 2015, never mind on Friday morning bringing about an abrupt end -probably only temporarily - to ex-leader and deputy PM Nick Clegg's political journey. May's deal - if there is one at all - with the DUP is not a coalition, it is a 'confidence and supply deal,' a piece of political expediency allowing them to back the Conservatives on crucial votes in order to get legislation through the House.

This in itself may fail as one of the terms of the 'Good Friday Agreement,' which led to a dissolved parliament - currently inactive - in Northern Ireland, was that the UK government could not favour one political party over another. This clearly does!

If you consider the election campaign cost the UK tax payers in excess of £200 million; think how many A&E units that could have equipped? And a combined spend of some £40 million plus by the parties themselves; how many classrooms could have been refurbished? It is all such a terrible waste for such an inconclusive decision.

Let us also not forget for one moment that with a 20% lead in the opinion polls, the whole reason for the election in the first place was to strengthen Theresa May's hand in negotiating a 'Hard Brexit,' out of Europe.

Having clearly failed to do so she still feels that she has the political clout to announce we are 'getting on with the job.'

If this was soap-opera we would all be on the edge of our seats waiting for the next episode. Sadly, it is real life and the outcomes are far more serious for us all. One can only say, to be continued, for the battle has barely begun...