With the general election in the UK just under three weeks away, the campaigning by the political parties is in full throw. What has happened this week is the release of each of the party's manifesto. Whilst they are interesting and reveal lots, what has captured my attention are the constant repetition of sound bites by the leaders.
Sound bites
Let us just take Corbyn and May.
Whilst the former has repeated his claim of "for the many, not the few" as the Mirror reports, Theresa May has repeated the words "strong and stable". But the main question to ask is, does it actually work, hearing the same thing over and over?
It does stick
Well one thing is for sure, you remember it. Although a continual bombardment of those few words, it does have an effect. It does stick in the mind. However, it is becoming a little bit Annoying. It is because of this that I am pleased that a snap election was called with little preparation. This means that the campaign process is shorter and easier to handle.
Almost over
Going forwards, I must say that I am glad that elections (usually) take place every five years. All I hear currently are politicians attacking each other/other parties and promising things that don't usually add up. I will most certainly be glad when it is all over.