After spending months praying that another credible candidate will present themselves in the US Presidential Election, I have reached the conclusion that trump has to win this election, as much as it pains me to say this. 

Johnson's failure

Months ago, I wrote an article for Backbench, a platform for aspiring political journalists praising Gary Johnson. I hoped that he would break the mold and provide hope for third parties in the US electoral system.

But his gaffs have culminated in disappointment.

Earlier in September, the former New Mexico governor admitted during an interview on MSNBC that he could not reply to a question regarding the crisis in Aleppo. Johnson further indicated that he was not aware of the city at all. 

The Libertarian candidate joked that he had an 'Aleppo moment' on MSNBC (again) that he could not name a single foreign leader he respects. He struggled to recall the name of former Mexican President Vicente Fox when pressed by 'hardball' host Chris Matthews. 

In a recent poll conducted by the New York Times/CBS News, Johnson is on 5 per cent.

This demonstrates he has failed to capitalise on the disillusion Americans have expressed towards the two main presidential candidates. Third parties traditionally struggle in American elections, but the former New Mexico governor has struggled to emerge as an alternative to the two worst White House nominees ever. 

What about Clinton? 

Considering the awful news we have heard about Hillary clintonthere have been suggestions that she is the 'safest' candidate due to her experience in politics. But that's hardly a ringing endorsement. Whilst the former First Lady may have released more detailed medical records than her Republican rival, even top Democrats like David Axelrod questioned her integrity following the incident where she collapsed at the 9/11 memorial this year.

The entire story portrayed her as dishonest. 

The FBI recently announced that they are investigating emails sent from Clinton's private email server. And this isn't the first time. In late August, the State Department announced that the FBI had turned up 15,000 new emails that Clinton did not turn over; of those 30 were said to be related to the September 11 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya. It is no wonder this scandal has provided a poll boost for the Republicans. 

The man himself 

Stating the obvious, the Republican nominee is still no angel. About Entertainment has compiled a list of the most ridiculous quotes the American businessman has produced during the course of this election.

He has insulted numerous countries. And he has shamed a former Miss Universe winner. 

But things have changed. The recent poll boost generates hope. Paul Ryan recently announced he voted for Trump. This appraisal from the House speaker and Ted Cruz show he has some support among the establishment. Many Republicans are now uniting behind their candidate. 

During the vice presidential debate, Mike Pence won that debate with his authentic style of speaking and conviction. He gave Tim Kaine a run for his money who came across as rude and stupid every time he interrupted his Republican rival. Trump needs a strong deputy to deal with both Houses of Congress who will gridlock his plans. 

His policies about numerous issues tap into the disillusioned masses.

As Obama has only delayed Iran gaining nuclear weapons, his views on the Iran deal and Islamic terrorism show he is serious about ensuring America has a presence on the world stage again. Tying in with his foreign policy, his promise to curb immigration is particularly powerful, although that has been overshadowed by his Mexican wall. 

Many Americans have faced hardship in recent years and his policy of reforming the tax code and cutting taxes is particularly powerful when the state seems to have increased in size. 

Regardless of how Trump presents himself, he needs to win. The other hopefuls couldn't be worse. He is the best of a bad bunch.