Netflix recently released the Film “Bird Box,” where Sandra Bullock plays a mother trying to take her two children, Boy and Girl, to safety while all wearing blindfolds. This has led to an outbreak of the “Bird Box Challenge,” where participants do stupid things while wearing a blindfold.
YouTube celebrity Jake Paul recently attempted the challenge and was seen on YouTube walking into a pond, driving his car and crossing busy Los Angeles roads while blindfolded. While Paul gave a disclaimer, telling kids not to try this at home, of course, some teenagers have taken up the challenge, with one teenage girl in Utah crashing her car.
Film challenge leads to a crashed vehicle
Layton Police Department in Utah, USA, tweeted images on Friday showing two vehicles that were involved in a crash. The Deseret News quotes Lt. Travis Lyman as saying the accident had happened on Monday afternoon. Lyman said it was caused by a 17-year-old girl, driving with her beanie hat pulled over her eyes as a blindfold, while participating in the challenge.
Bird Box Challenge while driving...predictable result. This happened on Monday as a result of the driver covering her eyes while driving on Layton Parkway. Luckily no injuries.
— Layton Police (@laytonpolice) January 11, 2019
Police wrote in a tweet that the car crash was a “predictable result” of participating in the challenge while driving.
The accident happened on Layton Parkway and both vehicles involved were badly damaged, but luckily there were no injuries.
Many people risk their safety mimicking the Netflix film
The challenge is based on the movie and requires participants to video themselves performing everyday tasks wearing a blindfold. The latest incident is one of many where people have risked their lives and safety participating in the “Bird Box Challenge.”
Teen driver crashes while attempting 'Bird Box challenge'
— CP24 (@CP24) January 11, 2019
WHIO TV7 reports that a Twitter search on the keywords “Bird Box Challenge” reveals many videos of participants in the challenge doing a series of different activities, including navigating obstacle courses, catching alligators or boxing.
Americans take Bird Box challenge to the next level by catching alligators.
— LADbible (@ladbible) January 11, 2019
Netflix responds to news relating to the challenge
The whole thing became so popular – and dangerous – Netflix felt forced to issue a warning on 2 January, telling viewers not to do it.
Netflix wrote they couldn’t believe they had to say this, begging viewers to not hurt themselves doing the challenge. They said they didn’t know how the whole thing started, and they do appreciate the “love” given to the film, but said Boy and Girl (Bullock’s two children in the film) only have one wish for the New Year and that is that viewers don’t end up in hospital because of “Bird Box Challenge” memes. One Twitter user responded hilariously.
I’m doing my own #BirdBoxChallenge , it involves napping at one in the afternoon. WHOS WITH ME !?!?
— 💃🏼Glen Scott💃🏼 (@glenrules) January 3, 2019