The first trailer has been released for a Neil Armstrong biopic titled appropriately “First Man.” Ryan Gosling stars as Armstrong and the Film was directed by Damien Chazelle (“La La Land” and “Whiplash"). The movie takes viewers through the gruelling trials experienced by Armstrong as he prepares to be the first man to step onto the moon in the Apollo 11 mission. The film is based on James Hansen’s book “First Man: A Life Of Neil A. Armstrong.”
‘First Man’ debuts on ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live’
As noted by NME, the trailer first appeared on “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” where Gosling and Kimmel wore spacesuits for the “first-ever interview in space.” The skit on “Jimmy Kimmel Live” is included here.
They even get to see George Clooney floating by in space.
Other stars in the film include Kyle Chandler, Pablo Schreiber and Jason Clarke. Armstrong’s wife, Janet, is played by Claire Foy. As reported by the Daily Mail, looking back at Armstrong’s preparation and journey to the moon seems like an awe-inspiring and historical experience. However, on viewing the trailer of “First Man,” it is clear that Armstrong went through some terrifying and uncertain days, training for his mission to the moon.
Experience the impossible journey to the moon. Ryan Gosling stars in #FirstMan. Watch the official trailer tonight.
— First Man (@FirstManMovie) June 8, 2018
Uncertainty surrounded Armstrong’s journey to the moon
The film shows everything experienced by Armstrong from his days of training for the dangerous mission, to how it affected his family life, right through to the actual experience of the journey.
All the way through, Armstrong is confident of his mission, while those around him are not as certain. The film includes interviews with reporters, asking him difficult questions.
One reporter asks him his thoughts of how he would go down in history for his achievement, “if this flight is successful.” Armstrong steadfastly responds to questions of that nature by saying they were planning on the moon flight being successful.
Speaking to another reporter, Armstrong mentioned that down on Earth you look up and don’t think too much about the moon. He added that space exploration changes a person’s perspective, allowing them to see things we should have noticed a long time ago.
While Armstrong is confident in his future achievement, his wife Janet is not so sure.
She imagines her husband travelling 240,000 miles to land on the moon, telling her husband that it wasn’t just another trip, adding that he isn’t just “going to work.” In a heartbreaking scene, his son asks Armstrong if he will be coming back, to which he replies that there were risks, but that they have every intention of returning.
The trailer for “First Man” is included below and the film will be released in cinemas on 12 October.