Nashe si chadh gayi song is from upcoming filmBefiker’s”. The song is sung by Arijit Singh, written by Jaideep Shni, composed by Vishal and Shekhar and choreographed by Vaibhav Merchant. ranveer singh and Vaani Kapoor are the leading star cast of the film produced by Aditya Chopra under the banner of Yash Raj films. The dance moves Kapoor is doing in this Befikre's song are great and you do not need any other calisthenics for sure as Singh matches steps with the co-star.

An upbeat song

The song is upbeat and we watch to see Singh and Kapoor both together in the same movie having extreme moves. Yup! It’s so sexy, chill and full of very thrilling moves which you see in the lyrics that goes on in “Nash Si Chadh Gayi Oye”. The party song will set the dance floor on fire and get you on your feet. Since the time the song was released it has become the most heard song on social media platforms and music apps. Adding to this, within a few minutes of the release of the song on Youtube platforms it bagged millions of viewers.

Very sexy song

As you saw in the movie 'Befikre' trailer, Ranveer was entering unexplored ground — flaking, necking and fantasizing with glee.

We saw Ranveer and Vaani Kapoor casting convention to the wind and humoring us in delightful strong no-strings-attached acts. In this song too, the hearty side of both is very much present but there is the sweet voice of Arijit Singh too.Though the song sets a different mood from the film trailer we can easily make out that it is yet another romantic film.

The  trailer showed the two cheery souls who are not apt to get expressively complicated with each other -  they only want to have sex even if they are  inside a car park on a hectic highway. This song also ends up in the love-making scene.

Ranveer Singh and Vaani Kapoor both love sideways with their crazy moves. This really what the song is telling us and this shows a music video that showcases how Ranveer Singh and Vani Kapoor are high on dance and they are making us trip too. Overall this song is only for party lovers.