Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata hai cast had just returned from Switzerland post a long shoot. The dengue bug is hitting a lot of entertainment industry personalities lately and Hina Khan seems to be the latest one added to the list. May be the studios of these shows being located in dense forest areas swarming with mosquitoes is making Television stars more vulnerable to the disease.
Akshara suffering from Dengue
Hina Khan has been constantly in news recently, be it the rumors of her leaving the show “Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai” or the rumors of her having a tiff with her co-stars and the writers of the show.
Now that those rumors have been put to sleep, this news about her health affected by dengue is stressing her die-hard fans a lot. The writers of the showseem to have a tough job on continous basis due to sudden exits and non-availibility of the main actors, earlier it was Karan Mehra’s exit, now Nakshi.e Naitik's son on the show played by Rohan Mehra is seen in Bigg Boss Season 10 so he too has become unavailable and the latest to join the bandwagon is Hina with her unfortunate disease
Dengue has become a common phenomenon with Indian Television actors
Recently it was Kishwar Merchantt of Brahmarakshas fame who was hit by the deadly disease and now Star Plus’s leading lady is reported to have been hit by the same.
Looks like it’s high time the studio owners where these television shows are shot need to take high precautionary measures to combat the occurrence of Dengue mosquitoes to stop this menace. Hina Khan was also in news recently for her public display of affection and revealing her relationship with her beau to the public through social media.
For now all we can hope is that Hina Khan gets well soon so that her fans get to see her as Akshara Singhania at the earliest possible. It will be interesting to see how the writers of the show cope with her sudden absence from the show as she currently cannot shoot. Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai airs on Star Plus Monday to Saturday 9.30 pm ISD.