Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai has been high on drama, especially from the day the leap has occurred. Not only has the show witnessed a lot of young faces walking in as the new cast post the leap, the most loved Singhania family has also recently experienced Karan Mehra’s exit. Now the makers have roped in yet another big name in Indian Television to keep both the excitement and TRP rankings of the show high.
Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai to get a new cast member soon
Kamalika Guha Thakurta who is best remembered as Gayatri chachi from Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu thi and is currently seen on Color’s flagship show Sasural Simar Ka is all set to enter Singhania family's life.
If rumors are to be believed she will be seen essaying the character of a Kathak dancer. Apparently reports even suggest that the channel was also in talks with the famous dancer and Television actress Sudha Chandran for the same but rumors suggest that they have zeroed down on Kamalika Guha Thakurta.
Kamalika Guha Thakurta is currently seen on Sasural Simar Ka
But there is no confirmation either from the makers or the channel as yet. Kamalika was one of the most loved character from Ekta Kapoor’s cult show Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi which literally changed the dynamics on Indian Television and gave birth to the trend of Saas Bahu shows which are still in vogue.
Yash and Rose's wedding is creating all the much needed buzz
The character is said to be crucial to the current plot of Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai. While the entry is awaited and the die-hard fans of the TV show are waiting to see who is selected from the said superlative actress options, Yash played by Sanchit Sharma & Rose played by Sippora Zoutewelle’s marriage is creating high voltage drama.
The bidaai is on its way and as expected it will be full of twists and as rumored some slapping too.
For now we will have to wait and watch if Kamalika Guha Thakurta makes her grand entry in the showand what changes she brings to the already piping hot turn of events.