When it comes to wholesome entertainment you cannot ignoreAkshay Kumar, and this time his latest offering is called ENTERTAINMENT whichhit the screens today. But the movie disappoints on many levels and makes youwant to walk out.
The movie is a slapstick comedy by debutant director duoSajid and Farhad. When you watch the movie, the only thing missing in it iswholesome entertainment; a perquisite for a good watchable movie especiallywhen the name itself is Entertainment.
The whole movie revolves around Akshay Kumar’s interactionswith the dog named “Entertainment ““(Junior) who becomes a multi millionaireheir after the death of a Bangkok based Indian.
When you realize the dog is named entertainment,you wake up to the reality of the disastrous script that is to follow. Whatfollows next is a merry go round between Akshay Kumar , Entertainment- the dogand other characters like Sonu Sood as “Arjun” and bollywood’s latest baddiePrakash Raj as “ Karan”.
While the people around the dog are trying their worst antics,the dog himself is seen lying motionless most of the time; just like theaudience in the theatre is. Even after his minimalistic acts, the only goodperformer in the movie seems to be the dog, rising above the worst CGI Bollywoodhas seen. While the lead dog is spared some sanity, other dogs around turnedout rather unlucky when it comes to acts they were given to perform on the nameof Cinema.
The running time of the movie is 140 minutes, and in allthis time; the movie fails to make you laugh. If you are a enthusiast of flyingdogs with bad CGI then the possibilities of you laughing is high, but stilldoubtable. To add to the misery entersKrushna Abhishek “Jugnu” as Akshay kumar’s best friend, who to audience’s bad luckspeaks only in bollywood movie titles.
Eventhough he is irritating at times , his character turns out to be the funniestamongst all. The lead actress Tamannaah with extra A’s and extra N’s in her namefails to add anything extra to the movie , with her extra white looks whichmakes you think if she has walked right out of the“Twilight Saga” she deliversnothing as a television addict portrayal.
All in all , it will be better to skip this ENTERTAINMENT