It is always great to try the national dishes of other countries when travelling the world. Sometimes this is a good idea, but often you get into trouble by accidentally ordering a dish which is really strange.
All these options are of the "waste not, want not" mentality, meaning they use all of the fish or animal for their daily meals and in restaurants. For the daring eaters among you, the following tasty offerings include fish sperm sacs, chickens' feet, tuna eyeballs, deep-fried spiders and animals heads and other less-eaten bits.
Shirako - Japan
Sushi is one thing, but Shirako is something else and in Japanese, the word literally translates as “white children.” This is sort of appropriate because this sushi dish involves the sperm sacs of angler fish, cod or puffer fish. They have been described as looking like white blobs or tiny brains and are believed to have a sweet custardy flavour.
Chickens feet - Caribbean, East Asia, South Africa and South America
This is a popular dish in many places, so it maybe isn’t right to call it weird. It is obviously served in countries that believe in using the whole of the chicken, but this dish mostly consists of skin. Apparently it is a tasty dish if nicely spiced, but not exactly an easy thing to eat with all those bones!