5 delightful video clips of baby rhinos

Rhinos are endangered and facing extinction - Image credit - Jane Flowers | Own Work
Rhinos are endangered and facing extinction - Image credit - Jane Flowers | Own Work

Rhinos are endangered and many young ones lost their mums to poachers, but there's a goodness in the hearts of those who dedicate their lives to them.

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Baby rhinos are so cute but often end up in captivity

Rhinos are under threat of extinction and the growing demand for their horns means babies often lose their mums to the slaughter. However, thanks to the goodness in the hearts of many people, there is a chance for these little orphans. Those lucky enough to remain safe from the poachers become endearing, which is hard to believe at first sight of the animals. The adults are huge and weigh in at between 1,600 kg (4,000 lb) and 2,400 kg (5,000 lb). Rhinos mainly survive only in Nature reserves, zoos and in special places run by wildlife organisations. Here are some delightful clips of baby rhinos at their cutest.


Sheldrick Wildlife in Kenya

This video by Sheldrick Wildlife in Kenya shows baby rhino Maarifa charging around but struggling to master the art of "braking."


Rhino youngster imitates a friend

This video shows a slighty bigger young rhino, but it's still a baby. Gertjie was orphaned and in her new home she made a friend - a young goat. Here, she tries to imitate her best buddie.

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