Stress is already part of many people's lives. Not only that, it takes more and more space in the professional world, especially with employees who fall into depression and anxiety disorder, responsible for most cases of absence from work.
The tougher psychologically, that is, have their highest psychological linear, can more easily overcome stress situations or in some cases end up suffering the evils of stress over the years.
Many professionals away from the Work not because they want, but that his health was stronger. There are hundreds of professionals who love what they do, no doubt. The problem is that they are not in the right place or the right people. Usually these are people who do not end up adapting to the local and colleagues. It must be well autoconhecer to have the perception to see healthy environments for their professional growth and those that only suck your time without great prospects for growth. That is, the developer that delivers much but get little in return it. And I'm not referring to compensation only, but in its relationship with the direct leadership and colleagues.
In more rare cases, the employee does not end up identifying with the values and company culture and consequently loses much satisfaction in their work, which certainly sooner or later leads to exhaustion and that leads to stress .
Always thinking about leaving the organizational climate of the healthiest companies and consequently achieve greater retention of talent, I separated some factors that are stress triggers for employees and that can be identified and resolved. Perhaps you identify some of these factors in your company today? Or perhaps identify future or even use this article as a way to avoid taking the necessary steps already?
Generally, as noted above, much of the stress problems of employees are linked to relationship problems, either with your colleagues or your manager.
People are different, each with its personalities and quirks. This undoubtedly creates conflicts sometimes and deal with these conflicts productively and without taking it personally, it is a very rare trait to find in people. Why in most cases these conflicts and misunderstandings make up a barrier between the leader and the employee. In contrast, there are leaders and even very good employees in managing conflicts and so both come out in the "win-win". Have you ever witnessed a situation in your career conflict in which the end has the generating motivation for all? The tension, if well placed and generated at the right dose, can be beneficial. But tensions through unachievable targets will always be stress generators for the developer.
Among all this already mentioned, there are some other variables that can be stress generators in people. They are:
Processes: Every company has its own protocol for interpersonal relationships. In many of them, employees can deal with members of their own teams in an informal way, but when interacting with people from another group or department should deal more systematically - through specific communication channels. In the case of conflicts between members of the same team, the leadership must solve them.