On 13 May 2014, with the judgment in Case C-131/12, the Court of Justice of the European Unionhas ruled that 'the operator of a search engine is obliged to remove from the list of results displayed following a search made on the basis of a person’s name links to web pages, published by third parties and containing information relating to that person, also in a case where that name or information is not erased beforehand or simultaneously from those web pages, and even, as the case may be, when its publication in itself on those pages is lawful'.
In practice, before this judgment, anyone found published on any website, your data (name, surname, any previous record, a photograph, a video, a conviction of some time before) he had only one way to exercise the right to be forgotten: submit a cancellation request to the owner of the site, which published the specific data. Many requests, so, for each web pages presenting the data.
The Court considers, furthermore, that the operator of search engine, within the framework of its indexing programmes, retrieves, records and organises the said data, which it then stores on its servers and can be disclosed and made available to its users in the form of lists of results. Therefore, Google, as operator of a search engine must be regarded as the ‘controller’ in respect of that processing of the personal data, within the meaning of that provision.
So, a European citizen, who wants to request the deletion of his/her information from the web - by removing the link between your name and a website - should make a single application to the search engine itself (e.g.: Google). If the operator, as a Internet Service Provider, after receiving the formal notice, has not complied with the request, the applicant may proceed against it in the court of the residence or it may refer to the Privacy Authority (in United Kingdom is the ICO).
After this important judgment, Google said last days that 'at the time of the request for cancellation of the link invasive of personal privacy and the right to oblivion, made by the user/citizen via the Internet, from March 2016, it will endeavor to de-index the contents not only from their European pages (in the several extensions such as google.
en, goole.fr, google.de, etc.), but also from the "global" version ".com."
It's called right to be forgotten and is the sacred right of every citizen to be forgotten after a news item is no longer in the public interest.