In one such long periods that were arrested in the cities traffic it is virtually impossible for you to not come across any street vendor, taking advantage of the chaos and confusion of the traffic of big cities to make a living day to day. And when it comes to sales, I believe there is much not only to watch, but mostly to learn from them. Many people working in retail can learn a lot from them.

1) Goals

On the street there is no sales target. A bad day sales may even mean missing food on the plate. The cause and commitment to sell and get the result (sell out) is unique and whatever is interesting to sell more in one day is interesting. What about the door of the stadium on the day of the football game, or on the day of a rock concert?

2) Quick adaptation to the market

They are flexible to customer needs. Raining? We will sell umbrella. Opened the time, that such an "umbrella"?

3) tuned in the mix

What people are looking for today? Cell phone chargers? Door objects? Team flag on the championship finale?

Anyone who can get ahead of the Consumer's desire, or adapt to a new fashion first, profits more!

4) Inventory "Just in time"

Many vendors buy the same day the wishing to sell over that. They understand demand like few others, and seek to buy strictly what can be sold on.

5) Anything goes to get attention

Anything goes to win people's attention on fast breaks in traffic. Singing, shouting or even wear different clothes and accessories to captivate the audience. Who draws more attention, you are more likely to sell.

6) Bargain

Street vendors are masters in the art of bargaining. Price is not something that just define. The seller has to get "rapidly" in the best deal for the consumer. If for U$ 10 is expensive, how about by U$ 7.00?

It takes three for U$ 15.00 and then we're closed!

7) Everyone is a potential customer

If you demonstrate minimal attention to a product that is being sold on the street, make sure the seller will search you and try everything, especially bargain to convince you to buy. All cars or people passing on the sidewalk are potential customers. The sale can come out of anywhere. On the street there is no "I'm just taking a peek."