When it comes to management, it is applicable to claim that art and ingenuity make efficient, effective and effective decisions.
To better understand the above, it must be assumed that in a given system, the resources by which people, groups and organizations compete are limited. Thus, throughout the decision-making process, the administrator must be based on a series of objective criteria to enable it to use less resources in such a way that the result achieved is the best possible within a given environmental context and that this result be able to position the organization that serves a point increasingly insurmountable by their competitors.
That said, when dealing with a problem situation, the administrator should be able to apply method and prioritization tools. As a multidisciplinary science, there are several quantitative and qualitative methods borrowed from other sciences and the humanities to aid in finding the optimal solution for a given context, among which the Matrix of Decision (GUT to problems and VIC for solutions) as used in Quality management, Operational Research applied to Business Logistics and even of principles for interpreting laws, define socio-environmental responsibility actions and act ethically.
To contextualize the exposed far and stimulating debate on the issue of prioritization in Public Administration, consider a country under development that, although it is one of the seven largest economies, can not topple a vigorous, lasting growth and that has an index human development (HDI) lower than in countries like the Bahamas, Barbados and Costa Rica.
This country has illiteracy rate higher than that of Venezuela, average schooling below that of Chile and per capita income lower than Mexico. Over the last, the last 10 years, the average economic growth of that country was less than Uruguay and Peru. Therefore, what is the highest priority for the given country: schools or stadiums?
efficient infrastructure or encouraging the purchase of smartphones with access to the 4th generation Internet (face it: for smartphone when no proper telecommunications service)? Creating a public awareness can lead the country to sustainable development or the development of an individualistic awareness coupled with the stimulus of a rampant consumerism?
Fostering popular participation in government decisions or disincentive for such participation by means of a bread and circus policy?
Therefore, the role of management and administrator, in a spirit of cooperation and collaboration with other professions is make the best decision for everyone, avoiding corporatism and seeking the economic and social development.