It's about Tahrir al-Sham, "The Organization of Levant`s Release", a jihadist group formed officially on January 28 by uniting multiple Islamist formations from Syria, the most important of them being Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, a former branch of al-Qaeda from this country (until recently known as al-Nusrat Front). These groups have tried a "rebranding" to dissociate itself from the image of terrorist organizations.

Russian diplomacy warns that the groups might actually try to take over the Islamic State`s legacy as these control an important region in the northwest of the country.

According to the spokesperson of the Foreign Ministry in Moscow, Maria Zakharova, they are concerned about the reports according to which the Organization of Levant`s Release plans to declare in a month the creation of an Islamic State in the southern of Idlib and Hama`s north, the second after the Caliphate of Rakka.

It will become a citadel for all those who support the ideology of violence and terror in Syria

Russian diplomats say that "this territorial entity will be created under the guise of Islamic teachings, although we perfectly know that it has nothing to do with real Islam, and will become a citadel for all those who support the ideology of violence and terror in Syria.


Similar claims have been made by the experts of the Consortium against the Financing of Terrorism, which is rather associated with the US Government. They say that the Tahrir al-Sham wants to create "an emirate ruled by Al-Qaeda in Syria," trying to give the impression of being "a credible alternative to ISIS".

Tahrir al-Sham repeatedly attacked pro-Assad forces in recent days, including using kamikaze attackers. The main objective now is conquering the city of Daraa, considered the "cradle of the revolution" against Assad regime, but until now jihadis were repulsed with heavy losses by government forces.

Abu Jaber rejects peace talks

Abu Jaber rejected the peace talks in Astana, demanding the continuation of the "war of liberation" against the regime of al-Assad.

The group's leader, Shaykh Abu Jaber, is designated as a terrorist by the United States and is committed to a "populist jihad" as opposed to the "jihad imposed from the top" promoted by ISIS, and he is supported by many clerics and Islamic jihadists.