As all gingers know, sometimes life can be challenging for those with Hair of a redder hue. The Metro reckons that redheads only make up around 0.6 percent of the world’s population, so they are a rare commodity indeed, despite being in such lofty company as Prince Harry and Michael Fassbender.

However, it turns out orangutans have it even worse. Many thousands of the cute, red-furred Animals have lost their homes throughout Asia, as oil palm plantations rapidly take over and destroy their natural habitat. Four of these endangered orangutans now live in the Twycross Zoo, near Norton Juxta Twycross in Leicestershire.

And now,despite such a challenging life, on August 19redheads get to be treated as thespecial people they are and singled out for their unusual hair colour, earning a free chance to meet their orangutan counterparts, Batu, Kibriah, Maliku and Molly – all of whom lost their natural homes in the wild in the quest by industry for more palm oil.

Celebrate World Orangutan Day at Twycross Zoo

A spokesperson for Twycross Zoo said that literally anyone with red hair will get in for free, whether adult, child, female, male and whatever shade of ginger or auburn their hair actually is.

Yahoo Beauty did ironically mention in their article that connecting monkeys to redheads could be taken as offensive by some. However, judging by reactions in the Twittersphere, most people are pretty excited about the whole deal. One user named Lizzie immediately tweeted that she loved the fact she would get free entry for her ginger hair.

Banshee instantly asked someone to accompany her to Twycross on August 19, as she will get in free with her redhair. One guy even decided to try out for free entry with his ginger beard, tweeting that he hopes people with orangutan-style ginger beards will get in at no charge.

Red Head Day 2016 coming soon

This isn’t the first time the zoo has made this special offer, as they reportedly ran the same redhead promotion a couple of years ago.

So, gingers, all this is happening just one month before the official Red Head Day 2016, which comes up on September 17. Definitely a time to feel a little spoiled. However, there are a couple of things to bear in mind. Reportedly staff will be checking any suspicious redheads and if you are wearing a wig, you’ll have to pay the full price. However, no one said anything about other methods of turning ginger. A little hair colour could go a long way towards free entry to visit the orangutans at Twycross Zoo on World Orangutan Day 2016 in an aim to help endangered speciesworldwide.

Learn more about the plight of orangutans in the videoincluded below.