In a speech recorded for televised broadcast via Chinese state TV channel CCTV1, which will reach one hundred million Chinese, Prince William said that the younger generation of China could “turn the tide of extinction”.
William has been active in the campaign against the traffic of endangered animal trophies and earlier this year proposed a modern day EU Green Helmet Brigade. This was shortly after he visited China early this year to discuss the potential extinction of African big game with the President of China.
At the time, he reported that China was willing to listen and discuss the issues.
The speech that William recorded was reported by Sky News. It is part of a larger campaign called “Let’s Talk” and other well-known personalities are coming on board, including renowned sports personalities and Sir David Attenborough.
Prince Harry and The Royal Foundation of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge created United for Wildlife in an effort to turn the tide of poaching through a global approach to the problem.
The speech to the Chinese by Prince William is aimed specifically at a generation who are capable of producing a change in social attitudes, to the use of rhino horn and other endangered species in medicines, as sexual enhancements and as social status symbols.
His message, in a nutshell, was that "If we buy illegal wildlife products, we are contributing to the extinction of a whole species.”
There has been some criticism that Prince William and the Royal family hardly have any room to talk as their own family has a history of hunting. This should not be allowed to get in the way of his efforts to engage in global reform. Times and people change and it is hoped that this last ditch effort to unite the world through education about the perils to our rapidly disappearing Animals will bear some fruit.
If China can really come on board in the global fight against extinction, they will be able to influence many of their neighbouring Asian countries. If we are to win the war against anti-poaching, the efforts can only succeed if the country with the most people in the world makes a firm commitment to participate in the last stand.
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