Whether you admit it or not, there are numerous cities with the high crime rates. These are unsafe for travelers and the businessmen who are about to expand their businesses, targeting the clients in these cities. On an average, a lot of cases of smuggling, kidnapping, and killing have been reported. Unfortunately, the governments have failed to take serious actions against the criminals.
Crimes not only ruin the lives of victims but also these are a threat to the whole communities. According to an article of New York Times, armed robberies, and gang-related violence are common. We cannot neglect the fact that some big states like America are trying to protect their citizens.
Let us check out the list of most Dangerous Cities for travelers of 2016.
Caracas, Venezuela
This capital of Venezuela is dealing with crisis related to drug abuse. On the other hand, street crimes like muggings and theft are very common. This is one of the most undesirable destinations in the world. As compared to the other cities of Venezuela, Caracas has the highest crime rate.
Located close to the Guaire River, this city consists of five municipalities. This hub of multinational companies is often targeted by criminals, especially its banks and malls remain at risk.
Ciudad Juarez, Mexico
Ciudad Juarez is an attractive city of Mexico. Its population is over 1.4 million people, and the city is situated on the Rio Grande (Río Bravo del Norte), southern Texas. This metropolitan city has always been under the threat of street crimes. Moreover, the illegal drug trafficking and human trafficking have reached the alarming level. The city’s trafficking activities began in 2007 and since then a lot of people have become the victims. According to the report of New York Times, in 2010, there were about 20 homicides and ten kidnappings in Cuidad Juarez per day.
Nowadays, the situation has become even more severe with thirty to fifty kidnappings reported every day. Domestic violence rate has increased dramatically during 2016. About 500 women are murdered every month by their own husbands, New York Times reports.
Cape Town, South Africa
Cape Town is always the choice of newlyweds for their honeymoon. By the whole, this South African city is unsafe for both international tourists and locals. It is one of the most populated cities and the provincial capital of the western South Africa. In 2014, Cape Town was named as the most dangerous place on the Earth. New York Times and Daily Telegraph claim that this city is beautiful but not safe when it comes to spending the holidays.
Because of the high rate of poverty and a large number of uneducated people, the political system of this city has been ruined. It suffers from high crime rates. Thus, the tourists should not get attracted to South Africa’ beauty since most of its cities are dangerous. When you are in this town, you are recommended not to Travel alone during night hours.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Various Brazilian cities have been reported for their high crime rates. Some are even more dangerous and unsafe including Rio de Janeiro. Though Rio de Janeiro is one of the most beautiful tourist sites of Brazil, but it is better that you stay away from this place. A lot of cases of murders, street crimes, kidnapping, and domestic violence are reported every day. This city is a hub of smugglers.