ZS570KL, also branded as the Zenfone 3 Deluxe has been launched by the Asus company in India in May 2016. The smart phone stands to be the best choice that comes under affordability, with display screen of 5.7inch and outstanding camera resolution of 1080 pixel and 1920 pixel, this smart phone has been the center of attraction for many. Moreover, with its high package of internal storage that comes with 64 GB, adds more to its credit list.
Display and Design:
Uniquely designed with Super AMOLED capacitive feather touch screen, the display screen of 5.7inch is itself an honor to carry. However, the screen comes with 16M color with strong camera capacity of 23 MP primary and 8MP secondary that captures amazing selfies. Its hits the market with outstanding dimension of 156.4 X77.4 X 7.5 mm with its weightage of 170g.
Hardware and Features:
Powered with a strong Quad Core Qualcomm Snapdragon processor 820 that keeps an interior storage of 64GB. However, the extended memory comes to 246GB that too via microSD card. The smart phone runs the most updated Android version OS, v6.1, Marshmallow.
It comes with a protection cornilla gorilla glass 4, sure to protect your phone from damage. Moreover, the phone has got various differnet features that includes fingerprint, accelerometer, compass, proximity and gyro. Again the battery structure remains high 3000 mAh.
Battery and Connectivity:
This phone comes with an outstanding non removable Li-on battery package of 3000 mAh that caters to the need of usage for long time. Whereas, the smart phone supports Dual Sim connectivity, with Wi-Fi 802.11, Wi-Fi direct and hotspot.
This phone remains under strong competition with Samsung Galaxy Note7, overlapping Samsung in its low and affordable price, with a stylish look that leads Samsung to bring forth some more new interesting devices. Overall, this new model is different from rest of the phone because of the number of options it provides. It's handy, user friendly and very light weight with HD quality camera.