Back in 1991, an animated film called Beauty and the Beast brought to the eye of the public the romantic fantasy musical story of Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont’s fairy tale. This year, the upcoming American Movie is directed by Bill Condon, the producers are David Hoberman and Todd Lieberman, the writers Stephen Chobosky and Evan Spitiotopoulos.
The movie has a breathtaking cast which includes Emma Watson, Dan Stevens, Ewan McGregor, Ian McKellen, Emma Thompson and many more.
It is scheduled to release on March 17 next year, in standard and 3D formats.
The Plot
Belle is the female lead of this fairy tale. A young and beautiful woman who’s taken prisoner by Beast, a real beast who lives in a grandiose castle. Despite his looks and all the fright he brings to the village, Belle manages to win his trust, to consider him a friend, looking beyond the Beast’s appearance and being able to recognize his pure heart. A heart of the human Prince he was once. But the villagers don’t think the same as Belle and they want to hunt the Beast at any cost. It is the typical story of the short minded people who get scared of what they do not understand.
But in the end, it's a love story with a happy end and we can't get enough of it.
Our beloved actress Emma Watson who portrayed Hermione for more than a decade, will play the role of Belle, alongside Dan Stevens in the role of The Beast. On Youtube, we can find a short sneak peak of what they’ll sound like. The reading of the script will melt your heart, no matter what age. Emma and Dan are the perfect choice to play those characters. Luke Evans will play Gaston, Emma Thompson will be Mrs. Potts, Ewan McGregor will be Lumiere and the one and only Ian McKellen will be Cogsworth.
Susan Egan played the role of Belle on Broadway and Paige O’Hara voiced her in the original animated series and its sequels.
They both declared that the casting of Watson for the role is perfect.
On May 22 this year, Disney released the first official teaser trailer. In just 24 hours reached more than 90 million views, proving that fans are not tired of Beauty and the Beast sequels and of course, their expectations are high, Emma Watson being one of the most loved young actresses. It is the most watched trailers in that amount of time in history, decreasing other teasers from movies as Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Captain America: Civil War and Avengers: Age of Ultron.