After all the drama of the alleged affair between Selena Gomez and Orlando Bloom, the actor's girlfriend finally broke the silence. On Thursday morning, Katy Perry shared her emotions through a tweet. By sharing a simple link to a Peggy Lee's hit song, Katy said much of what she's feeling, just a few days after she said she wished to "grow old" with Bloom. But, it didn't last too long.

'Is that all there is?' is Peggy Lee's 1969 hit song and the only caption, Katy Perry posted on her Twitter. But, what did she mean by that? Apparently Katy Perry could mean that it is what it is, and it's all over between her and the movie star, 39. But listening to the lyrics of the song carefully, the end seems even more definitive. In one part of the song, Peggy sings: "And then I fell in love, with the most wonderful boy in the world."

So, Katy Perry might have thought that Orlando Bloom was the man of her dreams. However, this is not just another love, as it seems more a break-up song. If we keep listening: "Then one day, he went away and I thought I'd die.

But I didn't." If we take it literally, it might seem that it was Bloom that broke it off, as he might have left Katy.

So, if this means that Katy and Orlando are not a couple anymore, we may be witnessing the birth of a new couple. After the hot photos of Selena and Bloom, it might be growing something more than a friendship between them. Selena Gomez and Orlando are close friends, since the times when the actor was dating Selena's friend, supermodel Miranda Kerr.

Justin Bieber is angry about it

Justin Bieber has been more upset lately and he's running away from the fans. Some even say that the Canadian is becoming more unsympathetic. And it could be all Selena's fault, according to

Bieber doesn't want to take pictures with fans and says the fans are making him feel like a "zoo animal." The bad mood of the 'Sorry' hitmaker could be related to his former girlfriend, because she is moving forward. According to one source, whenever it happens, Justin may enter meltdown mode.