In a series of early morning tweets that were riddled with spelling errors, US President Donald Trump has once against accuses his predecessor Barack Obama of spying on him, and once again, he has no evidence to back up these claims. First, he announced that Obama had tapped the wires in his office at Trump Tower, albeit without any evidence to back it up. Now, he’s saying that Obama has “imbedded” (sic) an “informant” in his team, but again, he had no evidence.

With nothing to back up his claims, Trump simply said that if this wild theory of an informant embedded into the Trump campaign by the FBI under Obama’s Presidency turns out to be true, then it will be “bigger than Watergate.” Nothing could top Watergate – it was the first instance where Americans realised they couldn’t trust their government. It got Nixon impeached before he resigned and took off in a helicopter.

Trump also calls Mueller investigation a ‘witch hunt’

In addition to all of the accusations of espionage, Trump also called the investigation into the possible collusion between his 2016 Presidential election campaign and the Russian government (and the potential shady ties therein) by the FBI’s Special Counsel Robert Mueller “the greatest witch hunt in American history.” But of course, it could just turn out to be the greatest federal investigation in American history if the steady string of arrests and confessions continues.