When you talk about former US President Barack Obama’s legacy in terms of Immigration, it all boils down to the DACA, which he signed in order to protect the rights of the children of undocumented citizens, who had no say in the decision to illegally move to America. Now, sitting US President Donald Trump has been shutting that down, removing let another piece of poor Obama’s legacy, and the ex-POTUS is not happy about it.

Both Obama and his Vice President Joe Biden, who served together in office for eight years between 2009 and 2017, have described the move as “cruel,” while the former has also said that going after the young people who didn’t make any of the decisions involved in their immigration is “wrong.” He added that Trump’s own ideas on immigration and the ensuing policies are “self-defeating.”

These are those ‘dreamer’ immigrants everyone’s talking about

Obama said that these kids, often called “dreamers,” have the goals “to start new businesses, staff our labs, serve in our military, and otherwise contribute to the country we love,” so he asks why would you want to get rid of them? They’re good people! They were raised American and identify as American and want to be American! Why does Mr. America First want to get shut of them?